work hard, you must.

Life has been…overwhelming.  Exams coming up…work.  Who needs all that?

(oh, wait, me T_T)

I’d rather be writing.  Or playing XIV 😛

(I should make a shirt like that)

Even my personal journal is neglected and I’m worried I won’t be able to do Camp NaNo, again 😦

In an effort to not appear a complete lazy ass, here’s an inspirational quote!


Seriously though… this Star Wars is maybe more understandable for those who don’t speak wookie:

“Do or do not. There is no try”


So, if you’re feeling like me, a million commitments and overwhelmed with to do lists and simply “trying”…just take one step at a time 🙂

You know the signs; nails go untended, showers are shorter (and less frequent…maybe? Just me? Ok >.>) and breakfast is…wait what’s breakfast?

But, it’ll be okay.

You’ll get it done just keep checking off that list.

You may have to put aside social life for a couple weeks >.>

But it will be worth it!  Honestly though, a status update via social media now and again will inform your peers of your busy schedule and remind them you aren’t ignoring them, if that’s something weighing you down.

We need others to take the overwhelming feelings away, to not feel alone in our efforts to muck our way through the days.

So keep them in the loop even if you can’t make a physical appearance.  It will keep them from pulling you away from your work until it’s finished and lift the weight off your mind of them having any expectations from you, socially, when you simply can’t commit the time.

It’s all about communication!

 And some closing tips:  constantly keep a notepad, some foolscap (I just like that word) or a document open on your phone or computer to write down the little ideas that come in your head so you can fulfill them when you do have the time.  This will keep you on track and less rushed, working on several things at once.  I do this frequently and it really helps.

 And if you’ve done really well, its not completely unacceptable to have an hour or two to yourself for fun, so don’t work yourself to the bone or you’ll get burned out!

Good luck!