

So there’s this thing called motivation and…normally I don’t have it.

I look at others and their busy lives, and myself, and my busy life, and realize that they’re still doing more than me, even though I complain so much about “not having time”.

Well truth be told I simply think I don’t make the time, and that’s due to lack of motivation.

So I decided to change that.

Here’s the thing.  I bought a gym membership and it still took me almost a month (today) to go and actually start using it.  I wasn’t motivated to.

Now, there are some extenuating circumstances as to why I may not have been in a very motivated mood for physical exercise; and sometimes that’s okay.  Life is a process and it takes time to get to a point where you are ready to get back on the horse.

There is a plethora of literature on self-help and motivation and “how-to’s”, but these are all worthless without motivation coming from within.  You can really desire to lose 20 pounds, and spend the 20 bucks on that book that claims it will show you how to do it…and you may skim through it; but ultimately it ends up looking nice collecting dust on the shelf.

Why is this?  Because you don’t have the drive inside to use the information in that book.  I myself am notorious for that; buying things and never using them or reading articles and never putting it to use.  I’ll think to myself, I’ll get up and complete this whole list of things because it is the weekend and….end up eating chips in front my TV/PS3 all day.

Reading this isn’t going to make you do anything.  Hell, writing this isn’t even going to make me do anything.  What will make something happen is understanding that goals need to be set, and there has to be a reason for that goal.

You can’t just say “I want the perfect beach body so I’m going to hit the gym for an hour every day” because the first day you get there (later than you wanted to and already exhausted) you’re going to get on some piece of equipment and say “f*** it” after ten minutes because your goal is too lofty.  Baby steps please.

How about, “I’m going to go to the gym today, because going outside makes me feel better than staying inside all day.  I’m going to stay there as long as I can because I know that exercising is good for me, and will make me feel great afterwards”.

See, there’s a catch.  We’re selfish creatures.  We want what makes us feel good.  Running uphill on an elliptical makes us feel like crap!  Eating a tub of ice cream makes us feel good.  But not long term, not even short term.  Once you’re done on that elliptical, you feel great for what you accomplished.  Once you finish that ice cream you’ll regret it because it’s horrible for you.

Again, this article can’t make you DO anything.  It can however hopefully get you to realize that you yourself needs to find out why you want to do something, and keep that goal in mind as you do it.  You need to think about consequences for your actions, and long and short term results.

What is it that you want to do?  What is it that you want to be motivated to do, and why aren’t you?  When you say you’re going to read your coursework but you don’t, what is it that you do instead, and why do you prefer it?  What is it that will make you choose your coursework; even over that thing you like the most? Once you figure that out, apply it.

Guess what, it will work!

And if you have to, be that cheesy person that leaves little encouraging post-it notes, or lists all over the house reminding you what to do.  Get a buddy, or something that will hold you responsible.  Never be afraid to ask for help if you need it.  You don’t have to do things alone, if you don’t want to.  Others can be so helpful, and you may not realize that.

Remember that what you are doing is making good habits.

And once you make these habits, they stick.

And guess what else?

You’ll be happy.

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