“Everyone Struggles With Self Love”


In light of the passing of Philip Seymour Hoffman (*weeps*) I have determined life is too short and it is high time to blow some life back into these electronic pages.

It’s not to say it’s the same; comparing the death of someone to returning to a blog.  But I would say the reasoning behind it is similar.  This unfortunate occurrence jolted something within me.  So much of life and what you do is based on one’s mental state.  I suppose the shape of this blog reflected my own frame of mind, which was that of disrepair.

Reading into his life a bit more, it’s interesting to think of how inspirational he could be.

An actor, where you feel his words are genuine.  Something I particularly admired was from a list of quotes:

“If you’re a human being walking the earth, you’re weird, you’re strange, you’re psychologically challenged.”

If your own mental state is as frazzled as mine has been, remember that.  Remember to chase things you enjoy.  Grab life by the handlebars once again, or for the first time.

How sweet does it feel to get back on the metaphorical bicycle!

There are some things one should realize from life, items I have listed here from my musings and recent experience.

Love a lot, and if you’re left broken it’s okay, and natural, and you need to use this as experience to survive life, because it’s not always roses, and that is also natural.

It is not selfish to put yourself first sometimes, in fact, it can be necessary. 

Do not place the power over you in other people. 

Don’t stand for bullshit, of any kind.  Purge it and unnecessary negativity from your life. 

Stating your opinion, and having a voice does not make you horrible, or a bitch. 

Do not shut yourself out from life.  Do not shut out people who care.  Rationalize before you make decisions. 

Be true to yourself, and trust in yourself.  

but most of all,

Always be kind. 

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