I Keep On Fallin’

apparently I already had a Tumblr. account, who knew? I have no recollection or idea when I made it (then again, I had Formspring once upon a time too).  Unfortunately I can’t seem to change the unfortunate URL.  Ugh.  Oh well, such is youth.

and if you couldn’t guess by it’s picture, I’m a little obsessed with Suki-tte ii na yo right now…

Swan Song

So, I finally got around to watching the E3 FFXV trailer.

Honestly, I think I’m going to die a little waiting for it.  (That and Kingdom Hearts III.)

I have something else to say, though.  A lot of the comments on these types of videos are spouting how bad the newer games are compared to the older games.  I even have a co-worker that refuses to play any MMO versions or sequels.  He is missing out on X-2, XIII-2 and Lightning Returns, among others.

To be fair, I won’t play any of the MMO versions, and will agree with him there (although, XIV does look reaaaally tempting…). But it’s because I like my gaming experience to be private; I enjoy how the FF games make me feel, I don’t need to experience that with tons of strangers.

But going back; I would like to take the opportunity to speak about XIII for a bit.  I got around to playing the game before I moved a few weeks ago (after Oblivion was just taking too long) and in the process of moving put the game aside for a while, and have yet to pick it back up because it will utterly consume me for a while and I have to be a functional member of society for a few more days.

But why is there so much hate for this installment? Yes, it’s linear.  Yes, some of the characters (Snow) are unbearable and you mash a lot of buttons and chocobos are sorely underused and blah blah blah.  But you know, some of the other plots didn’t make much sense, even if you could go anywhere at any time.  Selphie made me want to wring her neck, and while we’re talking about VIII (which I LOVE, don’t get me wrong) you could say mashing the X button for your GF, while strangely satisfying, was horribly annoying too.  And don’t even get me started about how pithy Chocobos are except for racing horses in X.

Each game has its goods and bads and I won’t tolerate some saying an entire game shouldn’t have been made! No, XIII was not like other games, in many many ways. But, guess what though, it’s okay to be different!  They did not hurt you, they did not abuse your trust, they are not bound to make every single game perfect to your standards.  They wanted to make a new type of game and they did. They have sequels because they want to expand that world, and many of the older games would be ruined with sequels, or I bet you they would make them.  Some stories have more to tell, or are enhanced by more.

I, for one, am excited.  I’m not saying, slap the name Final Fantasy on something and I will eat it up, but I am saying if it is done well enough I am not going to stick my nose in the air and say “I played this before it was cool, and this isn’t like how it should be, so I won’t play it, and I know better than you” (because that is the sentiment I get in a lot of comments, from all over the place, about newer FF games).

Yes, each final fantasy has the appeal of being completely different; different characters and plots and worlds so direct sequels seem complete sacrilege.

But the games evolve like the players.  I was 7 when VII came out.  We didn’t have consoles when I was a kid, so in an effort to read, like I was instead advised, all I could do was dream about all the characters and plots I was introduced to through the editor’s notes in all the manga I digested throughout the years.  The first time a FF game was presented to me, I leapt on it.

This isn’t some Land Before Time crap where they REALLY should have never made any sequels, and now it’s out of control.  This is a bunch of disgruntled boys (and girls who like to show off how they’re nerdz, lolz, but should really just be themselves, nerdy or not, since they’re trying to point out how they don’t fit the standard girl stereotype, by fitting another stereotype) who are just mad that Final Fantasy Versus XIII was pushed back because of Lightning, and now the name is changed too…

I’m not going to tell SE what to do and say stop making sequels.  Maybe I’m just more sentimental than some people but I tend to fall in love with characters.  If you’re presenting me with another opportunity to be with them, then I will take it. (I mean, ladies, you don’t want to ever see Balthier again?)  Remember, Final Fantasy was originally a last ditch effort for a flailing company.  Remember that we loved VII for the story, even though Cloud’s head was about 3 pixels.  Remember that Squall and Rinoa at first were both sullen and too peppy, and hate-able, but by the end you wanted to rewatch the final FMV a bagillion times. I think we should give SE props, and let them do what they do best, and not give them so much bad flack.

Why is it only okay if it’s a spin off on another platform; why do we hate the sequels so much?


Happy Father’s Day to all the daddies out there!

I highly recommend going to Google and trying out the fun doodle, it will keep you occupied far longer than you would imagine, I promise you.

Postsecret also has some Father’s Day secrets, that will either make you happy or sad.  Cherish your parents while you can. Image



So, I used to have two older blogs back in high school/beginning of university and really they were mostly a writing ground, a way to keep in touch with my friends and also the result of emotions that I was not mature enough at the time to handle properly.

In the last post I did, two long years ago, there are two comments on it.  One is spam (surprise!).  The other though, reflected on how I was already seemingly throwing in the towel on life, and at so young an age.  It made me think.  I’ve come a long way since these posts through self reflection, journals, prose, and with an incredibly patient, loving and supportive man beside me.  There were times when I really did want to just throw it all away and say “screw it” life sucks.  But things change.  To this day, I cannot forget the incredibly real emotions I felt, and I will never dismiss how horrible life was sometimes.  Even teenagers can feel adult feelings.  Sometimes bad things are not all made up in the mind.

But eventually I matured.  Eventually life got better.  I wish I could let the anonymous poster in his now mid-30’s know that I am mostly okay now (nobody will ever be truly, 100% okay, I think).

Life is a journey that is either short or long.  If mine can feel long in terms of years, I want it to feel short because I have loved and lived to the best of my ability.  I don’t want any regrets.

So to myself and others: get your ass out of bed, respect your living space, follow your passions the best you can and love what deserves to be loved wholeheartedly and without secrecy.  Believe what you want to believe and don’t let anyone else tell you how to think.  You were given a wonderful mind to think with, so formulate your own thoughts, don’t just live off of the digested claims of another.

This post was actually supposed to be about something totally different, but that post is postponed after looking at my old blog and being so moved.  Hopefully that doesn’t disappoint too many people.  It’s nice to speak from the heart every once in a while.

(Oh, and I still like to listen to System of a Down.)


Quick post this morning to prove to myself I haven’t totally forgotten all about this blog.

We just moved in to a loft apartment, yay!  It’s beautiful and fantastic and wonderful.  Boy starts pretty early for work at his new job, so I wake up early too.  This will hopefully give me the motivation to write more.  I remember reading a memoir by Steven King, and one of the things that hit most was that he would wake up super early, take out his Mac to the sunlit porch area, and write for a few hours.  Writing every day was essential.

He also advised writing something and putting it away for a few months before editing, even a year.  So when the boy says to me, “you can just pop out a couple books a year, eh?” I laugh a bit.

Anyways, this apartment has the atmosphere I crave; wood, medium lighting, rich colours, big windows, and that cozy, welcoming feel I’ve long missed. I will post a picture when everything is unpacked and in its place.

A few things on the to do list; reread the Song of Ice and Fire series since season three is over (*bawl*), find out everything that happened at E3 since I go to bed super early now and don’t have cable, and finally get everything organized on my own terms, now that I have my own space.  Life is finally starting to get exciting.

Also, one bitch rant: it is freaking ridiculous trying to play WiiU with nunchucks.  I spent half an hour Saturday trying to get Link to jump across some stupid rocks without falling and almost broke the Wiimotes….  Does anyone else have this problem or am I just…a little handicapped?